Lifecycle Events
There are moments when time blends into eternity, when space transcends location and we become totally present. Judaism captures these moments with beautiful customs, deep wisdom, and ecstatic celebration! Let's start a conversation about how your next life event can be a sacred embrace of eternity, wisdom, and joy!
Bris and Baby Naming
The experience of a welcoming a child into the covenant of Judaism is thrilling and daunting. It should be surrounded with the warmth and comfort of loving words and traditions. Whether you welcome your male child into the covenant through the rites of circumcision, or your daughter with the rituals of a tallit, candles, or feet-washing, the opportunity to gather family and friends to proclaim your love and hope for this new child in your midst is worthy of great celebration. Our goal together is to craft an authentic and meaningful ritual that honors tradition and the uniqueness of your family.

Wedding and Chuppah
Today you make real that which was ideal - you fulfill wishes that were once only a dream.
You've found each other, set your plans, and are ready to make the most courageous decision of your lives! Now, you are ready to discuss how to share your love and commitment to each other with the world. It is my honor to walk with you along the journey paved by the beautiful customs, sacred expressions, and everlasting promises that have been uttered by loving friends for millennia. In our time together, we will explore the traditions of Judaism and discover ways to make the most important moment in your lives personal and unique to your love.
Watch a clip from one of Rabbi Hoffman's ceremonies
Memorial Services
The ancient Torah describes the moment when a loved one passes as the time when they are ‘gathered unto their people.’ This beautiful image and the cascade of healing and care the Jewish tradition offers mourners is truly inspiring. The loss of a loved one is an opportunity to gather family, lifelong friends, and beloved community together in honor and reverence of a life worthy of blessing. Moments like these require tremendous sensitivity, genuine presence, and the confidence to discover the joy in learning from your loved one’s legacy.

Get Active!
A meaningful life is illuminated by the sweet and sacred moments captured by life's transitions. But, what do we do in the space between? Leading a life of purpose includes an active commitment to caring for others too. There are many places in the world throbbing from the pains of neglect and oppression. Our purpose in life is to lift up the downtrodden, to heal the afflicted, and to fill the world with justice. Join me on a day to build homes, feed the hungry, advocate for justice, heal the brokenness of the world.